لَيْسَ لَهَا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ كَاشِفَةٌ
أي ليس لها من دون الله من يؤخرها أو يقدمها .
وقيل : كاشفة أي انكشاف أي لا يكشف عنها ولا يبديها إلا الله .. هو الله!ا
. . .
See Beauty .. Appreciate Beauty .. Be Beauty ..
بالعربية أكتب أولى مخطوطات حياتي
تلك التي تحوي ذكرياتي
فأسطر بها فكاهاتي
و ليُقتبَس منها أقوالي بعد مماتي
فلسفتي من أغلى مقتنياتي
في زمن فقدت فيه كل شيء إلا كلماتي
فتعبر عن مختلف حالاتي و نزواتي
كما تعبر عن انفعالاتي
بالعربية أكتب تخيلاتي
لحياة تؤرخ فيها كتاباتي
فتظل شاهدا على إنجازاتي
ولها وحدها .. بل ولكل من يحبها أهدي تعليقي علي إبداعها
.. وبكل لغات العالم لكتاباتك أنا من العاشقين
.. عاشقة أنا لما تمتلكين
.. من قلم وموهبة بهما تعبرين
.. ورأي وتجربة بهما تتمتعين
.. وحرية وعفوية بهما تتميزين
.. أراك و بحق .. نجمة في الفضاء تحلقين
.. لؤلؤة في البحر تسبحين
.. فاطلقي العنان لكلماتك حين تمسين .. وحين تصبحين
.. اكتبي .. واكتبي .. إياك أن تتوقفين
.. اكتبي .. اكتبي بصدق ويقين
.. وآآآه لو بالله تستعينين
.. وبكتابه تتمسكين
.. وبنبيه الصادق الأمين تتأثرين
.. ستلمعين
.. وتتألقين
.. وتشرقين
.. فلا تغربين
.. بالعربية تكتبين
وأنا علي ذلك من الشاهدين
Don't ask me why ...
or why you ...
I LOve YOu ...
Don't ask me what's so special about you ...
There is nothing special about you ...
(or at least, nothing I can put my finger on)
I LOve YOu ...
With a sister like you, Noly ...
How could I ever be lonely ... ?
You're always there to share a smile ...
Listen to a problem ...
or just talk ...
and whenever I need a real friend, I know I can count on you ...
You're always there to make me feel special, important and loved ...
It's no wonder I LOve YOu so much ...
You are a great person .. hard to find .. difficult to leave .. impossible to forget
You are fantastic .. intelligent .. sensitive
You are a gift !
But do I deserve such a beautiful gift from Allah?
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
مَنْ كَانَ يُرِيدُ الْعِزَّةَ فَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِلَيْهِ يَصْعَدُ الْكَلِمُ الطَّيِّبُ وَالْعَمَلُ الصَّالِحُ يَرْفَعُهُ ۚ وَالَّذِينَ يَمْكُرُونَ السَّيِّئَاتِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ ۖ وَمَكْرُ أُولَٰئِكَ هُوَ يَبُورُ
صدق الله العظيم
لم يسبق لي أن حملت طفلا في أحشائي .. ولكنني أحمل هذه الآية في صدري وأعماقي .. وارتبط بها ارتباطا وثيقا جدا ..! كأنها طفلي .. وهي سيفي .. كأنها قلبي .. وهي في قلب قلبي .. كأنها دوائي .. وهي شفائي .. استمد منها العزه .. وطيب الكلم .. والبشري
... كل كلمة طيبة مفتاح من مفاتيح الحب
... والكلم الطيب لا يقف عند حد
... والعمل الصالح ما أكثره
ابتسم .. ابتسم لأن العمل الصالح يبدأ بابتسامة .. ابتسم حتي في وجه الحاقدين عليك .. واشفق عليهم .. وفقط تذكر أن الفاشلين ليس لهم حاقدين .. ابتسم واقصد بالإبتسامة الجميلة .. والكلمة الطيبة .. والعمل الصالح .. وجه الله ورضاه
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. - Leo Buscaglia
كثيرا ما نقلل من أهمية لمسة .. ابتسامة .. أو كلمة حانية .. أذن صاغية .. أو مجاملة صادقة .. أو أصغر فعل يدل على اهتمامك بالآخرين .. مع أن هذه الأشياء يمكنها أن تغير العالم - ليو بوسكاجليا
. . .
I really miss to look up to the beautiful blue sky and to go out at night in order to see how radiant a full moon is.. and miss to tell something funny just to make someone laugh.. and miss to sit in front of the sea and stay for hours just for telling my little secrets... But the thing I miss the most is to send a text saying something sweet early in the morning and make someone's day...
P.s. I wanted to write this post in another place, but I changed my mind before posting it!
صدق الله العظيم .. فلقد تحققت المعجزة بالإنتصار .. وتحطمت أسطورة جيش إسرائيل .. وعبر قوات الأحرار خط بارليف في وضح النهار!!ا
الله أكبر
اللهم انصرنا يا رب في كل مكان وزمان
أنا باحب الأغنية دي قوي قوي
:) أنا أم البطل
and I believe that VIRGO - THE PERPECTIONIST
Dominant in relationships. Consevative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very Smart. Very Creative. Dislikes noice and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk. Hard to please. Practical. Often Shy. Vehhhry Organized. Sensitive. LOving. Generous. Optimistic. . .
But -lel2asaf- it seems that 2010 is the year of loosing some of my great dreams and lots of my beautiful smiles, for a whole bag of reasons > > > Mom who raised me is suffering from a serious illness. My country that I love is dying. The people I used to respect, appreciate, understand and love do not care... and sooo much emotions are suppressed. But the biggest one is that, by then, ... well, ... I'll keep it to myself a7ssan.
This doesn't mean I've to stop living ya3ni. La2. I think kaman eno it's time ba2ah for a new beginnings and fresh resolutions...
For me, peace is the most important thing, and I believe that peace begins with a smile -a beautiful one- and a smile is the key to forgiviness. and Forgiviness is the key to action and freedom... O keda...
Yesterday is not ours to recover. Khalass. But tomorrow is ours to live ba2ah and to stay more comfortable, more assured, more confident, less stressed, happier, more positive... and the list goes on... Simply tomorrow is ours to win or lose... and winning doesn't always mean being first, but it means we're doing better than we've done before...1) Challenge Yourself and forget about the past with all its beautiful/good and bad sides/experiences/memories.
2) Challenge Yourself. Fight. and Come back ba2ah... !
3) Challenge Yourself and never again waste your energy, time, heart on someone who doesn't [won't say deserve you] value you.
You may say I'm a dreamer. I'm not. or maybe I'm not the only one. I just believe that everything we can imagine is real... Don't Worry. Be Happy. We need to find a way to live the life...
P.s. The real Rawanie is fighting to come back, and al7amdulellah, final count down has started! :D
Salam . Sweet . September
♥ ♥ ♥
P.p.s> This post is dedicated to someone that I have already lost his address!
When we hear chemo, we automatically think of hair loss, unfortunately there are many more serious side effects to the chemical nightmare that has proven so effective in fighting many types of cancers. Even though it’s important to know what kinds of side
effects to expect, it is equally important to remember that, no matter how devastating this all is, chemotherapy is still one of the most effective lines of cancer treatment to date.
Upset Stomach and Vomiting
One of the most common drawbacks of chemotherapy. Many of the drugs used in treatment sessions actually stimulate the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the brain - an area that controls the vomiting reflex. However, this can usually be controlled by taking anti-nausea drugs, drinking enough fluids, and avoiding spicy foods.
Diarrhoea or Loose Stools
It occurs during chemotherapy because the drugs affect the lining of the intestines. This chemotherapy reaction can last for a short period or intermittently throughout the duration of the treatment, depending on the drugs given and the dosage.
Mouth Sores
Because cells on the inside of the mouth are some of the fastest to regenerate in the body, they are the ones most susceptible to damage from chemotherapy. As a result, sores can develop, leading to possible infection and other problems such as irritation and dryness in the mouth and throat. Good oral hygiene is important during chemo. Rinse the mouth with saline, eat softer foods at or below room temperature and avoid hot and spicy foods.
Hair Loss
Not every chemotherapy program causes the patient to lose their hair. Certain people lose only their head hair, and others lose hair from all over their bodies. Like every other symptom, the visible results depend on the patient, the drug and the dosage. Hair loss won’t happen immediately and typically starts gradually, eventually escalating to hair coming out in larger clumps. It is one of the most dreaded chemotherapy effects, but it’s also usually temporary.
Anaemia and Fatigue
Low blood cell counts caused by the effect of chemotherapy on the bone marrow can lead to anaemia, infections, and easy bleeding and bruising. Patients with anaemia have too few red blood cells to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues. Anaemic patients feel tired and weak. If red blood cell levels fall too low, a blood transfusion may be given.
Patients receiving chemotherapy are more likely to get infections. This happens because their infection fighting white blood cells are reduced. As a result their immunity becomes compromised and they become susceptible to infections. A doctor may prescribe medication to help white blood cells grow if the count drops too low.
Easy Bleeding and Bruising
Platelets are blood cells that make the blood clot. When patients do not have enough platelets, they may bleed or bruise easily, even from small injuries. Patients with low blood platelets should take precautions to avoid injuries.
Neuropathy and Damage to the Nervous System
Cancer patients may develop neurological problems due to the cancer itself or caused by the chemotherapy. A variety of problems can develop, including altered mental alertness, changes in taste and smell, seizures, and peripheral neuropathy (tingling and burning sensations and/or weakness or numbness in the hands and/or feet). Patients should discuss neurological symptoms with their doctor.
Heart Damage
Some drugs that are used to fight cancer, may cause serious damage to the heart. In these cases, the dosage is closely monitored in an attempt to avoid heart damage. Patients experiencing chest pain or any cardiac symptoms should seek immediate medical help.
Kidney Damage
A number of anticancer drugs can also cause damage to the kidneys. Some kidney problems can be lessened by having adequate amounts of fluids. A secondary danger of kidney damage is that a less functional kidney can be more susceptible to further toxicity caused by other anticancer drugs that the patient is taking.
Respiratory Problems
Cancer patients who have had radiation in the chest area are more susceptible to respiratory complications. Patients should get immediate medical assistance if they have difficulty breathing.
Sexual Function
Some drugs can lead to impaired sexual function and may result in the absence of sperm in a man and the lack of menstruation in a woman. Patients of child-bearing age are usually told to refrain from conceiving while undergoing chemotherapy because of the defects it can cause in the foetus.
Vision Problems
Some anticancer drugs can impact a person’s vision. Some can cause blurred vision in children, while others can cause cataracts. For example, Tamoxifen may be damaging to the retina, and cisplatin can damage the optic nerve. Conjunctivitis, commonly called pinkeye, is a treatable problem that occurs with many anticancer drugs.
Source: Vive Magazine.