الأسكندرية أكتوبر 2010
... إلي صديق فقدت عنوانه
... إلي صديق فقدت عنوانه
أنا من محبي فصل الخريف .. فيه ولدت .. وإحساس داخلي دائما يهمس لي أن فيه سأموت (والعلم عند الله) ومن يدري لعلي ابعث فيه من جديد
وأحب الأسكندرية في هذا الوقت بالذات
.. وأحب الساعة السابعة بوجه عام .. والسابعة صباحا بوجه خاص جدا
اليوم .. وفي تمام السابعة صباحا .. واجهتني لذة برد .. خفيفة .. منعشة .. جميلة
!.. فتذكرتك
!.. واشتقتك
نعم. افتقدك جدا
نغم صوتك في أذني
لطيف وعذب أن أتذكرك واشتاقك
لطيف وعذب أن اكتب لك كلما تذكرتك واشتقتك
لطيف وعذب أن أجدني من جديد أبعث لك *طاقة إيجابية* جديدة
لا. قلبي اللي بيكتب لك .. هو اللي بيبعت لك
لو قلبي قال حاجة .. من جرحة قالهالك .. دا أنا لما كنت بقول .. باقصد كلامي يطول .. يمكن تقول حاجة .. اسمعها أصفي لك
. . .
ya3ni i am not an expert in amr diab, but i liked the sentence you took from halim
nice post as usual, dear. i missed those posts :)
remove teh scurity code ba2a.
don't you think that you are speaking on the same person, trying to show that you don't think about him anyomre while you still love and insist to write posts releated to him all the time.how strange you are
Wowww......fazeeeeeeeeeeee3a Nonty.........full of emotions.........ezay el dema3' dy kda ezaaaay.........;D :D
P.S i love autumn too ;)))
@ Anonymous
ooooooooooooh......dont you think that youre the strange one yourself !!!!!!!!!!
ازيك يا رواني يا جميلة
أنا يمكن معرفكيش غير من الفيس بوك لكن واضح جدا إنك إنسانة رقيقة وحساسة
كل إختياراتك وكتاباتك بتقول كدة
وأنا باستمتع فعلا بزيارة صفحاتك المشرقة
اقبلي مروري
وربنا يوفقك
Anonymous: I'd really respect if people have their names on their comments so that I know whom I am talking to.. anyway, 2esma3i,
1) Thank You. Really, Thank You.. and I won't tell you why I am thanking you; a lot.
2) I don't need to prove anything to anyone - simply becoz it's my life. and I actually live the life I love and love the life I live.
3) This is my personal blog and I build here my own world - you are welcomed to comment here but only with the way I tolerate. and next time I'd respect if you understand that I need my space especially that it's my place.
4) I hope it was a temporary attitude. I know, you sometimes act weird but I also know that you would realise soon your mistake. and I am sure you will regret leaving me such a weird comment.
5) Good Luck in life and love.
Thank you Lomie begad, you're a true friend :)
and I do love you xx
سعيدة جدا بمرورك يا عبير :)
القلوب عند بعضها يا ست الكل يا سكرة إنتي
ربنا يسعدك ويحفظك
2esma3i enty ya rawany first of all you don't know i'm a woman or a man don't be that sure of who i'm.if i said my name you will never know me you don't know me personaly.b) i'm lucky enough in love and life.c) my comment for you is not weird it's true but truth always hurt. d)when i write this comment to you it was an advice you are runing behind an illision will never come true so stop wasting your time anymore. by the way i'm one of your facebook friends list. good luck in your life and life but be wiser than that. accept my comment for you because i write it for you with no bad intentions to hurt you.
Wow !! You are neither an optimist nor a pessimist, but a possibilist, who believes that we and we alone can open the door of love within ourselves.
Really one amazing post..
well done on choosing the right songs, fannanah ;)
God bless u, Rawanie :)
Nouna ya Nouna :)
7elw a2wy el post dah :), ra2e2 keda :). bas ya3ny yorawedny so2al keda fy sadry :D.
fy 7ad yeb2a agaza w fy Alex w ye2om badry el sa3a 7 leh :D :D. ya3ny momken te7beha blel w lma tegy Cairo keda lel shoghl hat2omy 7 hat2omeha mate2la2esh :D :D
Have Someone? :)
Ashraf, (F.A. Group)
Thanks a lot Amir :))
Enta fanan kebir bardo o zawak :D
ya na3am ya na3am :D
Walahi ya Noly enti 2ely 7elwa awi from inside and outside...
Mesh 3arfa ya Noly 2albi beyzaghrat O yor2os at 7:00 a.m. especially in autumn .. mesh 3arfa leih! begad walahi 3awza a3raf :D
Eih, fi 7aga ba2ah ?! ;)
Ahlan ya Ashraf :)
No. Why?
Aslo u should :)
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