We’re all different. You are a dreamer. He is very thoughtful. She is the sensitive one. They are straight. and I’m ... well, I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

97) Sa3a Ta3a Project ::: 10

القرار لك .. والفرشـــاة مازالت في يدك
. . .

.. حياتنا لوحة فنية
.. ألوانها أقوالنا
.. وأشكالها أعمالنا
.. وإطارها أعمارنا
.. فإذا إنقطعت حياتنا
!.. إكتملت اللوحة الفنية
.. وعلي قدر روعتها
.. تكون قيمتها
.. وإن قامت القيامة
.. عرض كل إنسان لوحتة
.. وإنتظر عاقبته
. . .
. . .
.. فأبدع في لوحتك
!.. فمازالت الفرشاة بيدك
. . .
! القرار لك


Nouna said...

أسأل الله الجنة لكل من أحب

Hebba said...

this is beautifully said
i missed this series. good taht you decided to get back to it.
i am still trying to figure out what i am painting, but all i know that i am using bright colours to give happiness to anyone looking at it.
ya rab teb2a 7elwa

Ze2red said...

well said, and beautifully written :)

and Ameen for your prayer

Roody said...

ezay 7elwa kda bgd :D amazinggggggggggggg and very true :D

Nouna said...

Hebba and Ze2red:

Thank You Girls ...
Glad you liked it :D

Nouna said...


Happy to see you around :D
Enti 2ely 7elwa awi! and beautiful soul always sees everything beautiful - Nothing new ya3ni; it's normal :D