We’re all different. You are a dreamer. He is very thoughtful. She is the sensitive one. They are straight. and I’m ... well, I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

127) !! شئ يئن بداخلي

من الصعب ألا يكون لدي حلم .. أحيا به .. وله أحيا
ولكن الأصعب أن يضيع حلمي .. أو يتمزق .. أو يهرب مني .. أو أهرب منه
ولكن إلي أين؟
هل يهرب الإنسان من ذاته؟
حلمي هو ذاتي .. أو هكذا أظن ..! هو أنا .. وأنا هو
والذات .. لا سبيل إلي أن أهرب منها
فمهما هربت .. فسأهرب إليها
سأهرب إليها
سأهرب إليها
. . .


Baskouta said...

It is our dreams to which we resort when we are trying to escape the ugly face of reality...So Never give up your dream...Keep up with it.

For me it is dreams of perfection which helps me to cop with the imperfections of life.

Wich a Perfect dream and a fabulous reality.

Keep smiling.

Nouna said...

Oh yes Baskouta, yes!

Dreams are necessary to life :D

Hebba said...

dont run away from your dreams. face them and try to make them come true. if they can not come true for whatever reason, simply dream another dream and one day your dreams will come true :)
just keep the faith in yourself and your dreams :)

Nouna said...

ana! ana run away ana!! Never ...
mab2ash ana ;)