We’re all different. You are a dreamer. He is very thoughtful. She is the sensitive one. They are straight. and I’m ... well, I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Friday, July 9, 2010

89) Real Life & Facebook...

Moi wishes real life were like Facebook, if you can't stand someone, you block his whole existence with a click!
You wish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Nouna said...

One year ago, this was someone's wish:

M..... wishes to know how "real" is real life!

P.S.> Je crois qu'il va jammmais savoir!

Hebba said...

i know the feeling.
long time ago i used to wish to have buttons. when i press things just happen :)

Unknown said...

i wish a world of peace !!

Nouna said...


I know that you khow the feeling :)

I don't believe in "buttons" because you are a human being not a machine.

Happy Birthday, again.


Nouna said...

Me Too!

Anonymous said...

i wish for a like button .. and a status update in life ..

i wish for a limited profile and actual googleing someone

Nouna said...

Ahlan Ahlan ya jazzy, nawartini sweets :)

I believe that life is very much what we make it, without button ba2a wala 7aga. If we first learn to be ourselves, accept who/what we like, and dont accept who/what we dont like. Seeing the good as clearly as the not-so-good... Yaah this can make our life glorious :D