A writer once said that it is not time that changes man/woman, nor knowledge. The only thing that can change someone's mind is love. The person who wrote that clearly knew what is going in both my mind & heart. Love [was/is/will be always and forever] the only thing capable of changing a person's whole life, from one moment to the next...
I once made a mistake - since then, I have learned that if there is no struggle, there is no progress. and I have realized that sometimes you get no second chance and that it's best to accept the gift Allah's offers you and change your mind. Because we will die. But before we die, we should fight for life - and yet one never knows what life may have in store for us. Ramadan is Allah's gift to us. Ramadan is that chance. Ramadan is love. and it brings love because we will never find what we are looking for without love [with all its ways]...
اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعفو عنا
I love the way your mind works :)
Ramadan is all about love
The holy month of Ramadan is the month of mercy and forgiveness.
Fasting is all about love
If we love God because He loves us, then we should show God that love. And few things can embody that love for God than depriving ourselves of the things we love the most - food, drink, and sex - for sake of the Lord.
It is really a small investment with an enormous and infinite return. And all because...God loves us. What an awesome God we have.
hate does too.
changes your life,feelings and actions.
so do pain and hurt.
so does ingratitude, lies and dirty games.
it is not all about love, that changes your life.
so many things do.
and they change your life in a scary way too
Thank You Amir :D
I feel love in the air keda - sigh
I think I am about to cry!
Wisely said hayati :)
Weghet nahar bardo tasta7ek elderassa. But you know what, I do know why hamout men elde7k kaman!
"and they change your life in a scary way too"- hahah
Bamout fiki...!
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