We’re all different. You are a dreamer. He is very thoughtful. She is the sensitive one. They are straight. and I’m ... well, I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

44) كل هذا الحب - Mama Didi :: Part 1

كل هذا الحب

أنا معرفش ماما ديدي

لكن صدقني لما أقول - بحبها

علشان ربنا هو اللي ألف بين قلبي وقلبها

مش إنت .. ولا أنا .. ولا الدنيا دي كلها

ويمكن علشان إنت بتحبها

ويمكن من كلامك عنها

أنا كمان حنيت لها

صدقني لما أقول - بحبها

دا أنا زي ما أكون شوفتها

ومن غير ما أحس في خيالي رسمتها

فا في أحلامي قابلتها

وكلمتني وكلمتها

قلتلها كلام كتير



فحكيت لها

فضحكت لي

ولمستني .. ولمستها

و وصتني وأنا وعدتها


! صدقتني

! صدقتني



وفي حضنها

حسيت بحنان غريب

قربني منها

وخلاني أحبها

وأشتاق لها

صدقني لما أقول - بحبها

أنا كمان حنيت لها

ودعيت لها

ربنا يرحمها

ويهون عليك بعدها

ويساعدك علي برها

حتي بعد ما استردها

ما هي كانت وديعته

وأكيد هناك عنده

أحسن لها

صدقني لما أقول - بحبها


I do not know why, but this made me always cry! and I never thought of publishing it - but, since today is a special day [it is a secret] , I decided to share it with you; it is a part of me after all.

The time is running so fast.

April 10th 2009.


Unknown said...



Men emta betkhaby 3alaya these beautiful things :D
Since you've written this long time ago, WHY, WHY, WHY did you hide it for a whole year ? Don't deprive us from your nice words and feelings again :D

Nona, i feel you awy when sayin:


! صدقتني

! صدقتني

You're amazin hayaty :D

xxx said...

cant deny its lovely written
allah yer7amha.

xxx said...

remove the security code.
its annoying :((((
i never get it from first time

Unknown said...

Nona..... By the way..... Who is mama Didi?!!!
Rabena Yerhamha..... May she rest in peace..... & God bless you ya 7abiby.....

Nouna said...

Lamya: Thanks. Flattered! :))

Mama Didi is someone's grande-mere. and she is someone I loved for no obvious reasons. and I wont be able to tell her about my feelings in my lifetime. and by the way, I have never seen her but in my dreams as said above. but this doesnt mean that I don't feel her.

All what I know that I was really happy while writing this! and al7amdulellah I was honest and sincere in evey single word. and am happy to be able to love no matter what ...

... Well, I believe that there is always more than the very obvious reasons for everything.

Thank you for your prayers hun. and Ameen!

Nouna said...

Hebba: Thank you for your nice opinion :)

and Ameen - Allah yer7amha.

Nouna said...

as for the security code, OK. 7ader. Will try to discover what the issue is :)

Unknown said...

Despite everything..... that was really a very touching post...... i am sure that you was sincere in your words because that's you..... nothing new Nona, you have a very pure feelings!!! i know you well enough to say that you are the best when it comes in emotions.....

Nouna said...

It took a lot for me to say the things I said :S

Amir said...

Dear Rawani

I admire your unique talent and delicate interpretation of our world. I had the privilege of going through your Blog and Facebook acount. Thank God who gave you such beautiful gift to use it in whatever brings toleronce and harmony between people.

I ask you! as an admirer to your talent, please focus and put more effort on this subject.

Peace Be Upon You ...

هوبتي said...

واااااااااااااااااااااو بجد حلوة موووت

Nouna said...

Amir, dear :) Speechless $$$ Flattered!

Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement as well.

Bless You


Nouna said...

أهلا أهلا يا هبة

نورتيني يا حبيبتي


Unknown said...

Nouna :S.....Not a shame.....But it's a reason of some sadness...... :S

Amir said...

I am saying the true about you wallahy ya Rawani :)

Amir said...

I loved the dream part and I read it a million times :D

فا في أحلامي قابلتها

وكلمتني وكلمتها

قلتلها كلام كتير



فحكيت لها

فضحكت لي

ولمستني .. ولمستها

Sooo beautiful :D

Yassminaz said...

So nice :)

Nouna said...

Merci Amir :)

This was a part of my sweet dream indeed :S and should be added under "MySweetDream" & "Dreams" Topics.

Remerci for the reminder and the inspiration as well :)

Nouna said...

Yassminaz :) xx

Unknown said...

Ya monazam enta :D
es2aloony ana !!!!!!

Unknown said...

We sadda2ek ya Nona ba3d koll dah?!!! ;)))

Dahlia El Taib said...

Helwa Awy ya Nounaaa .. and very reachable ...

Mohaly said...

I got to this page by pure coincidence, and I cant hold my tears since then....
Mama Didi was (can't say I am saying was and not is) a source of pure love, tender, and care to everyone around her... She has left a very big void that no one succeeded to fill.
Thank you for such a sincere post, really thank you.

Noly said...

Touching and soooo nice and sincere ya Rawani :). Keep it up ;).
May her soul rest in peace ISA!

Nouna said...

... and I'd rather die than to see a tear in your eye ...
This was the vehry least I could do for Mama Didi, O kefaya eno heya she was my greatest source of inspiration.