It hurts me sooo much to leave me Papa. It was not easy; I was young, yes. but I still remember everything, your love, your caress, your advices, your warm hug that always changed my metabolism, your kiss, your voice, your touch ... and your sudden departure!! Oh yes - I still remember. It was a Thursday , and it was not easy! I Do Miss You Papa! I hope that you always know whatever I do. and wherever I go. But you have to know that the moments I spent with you were the beautiful ones in my life - We were good friends you and me and you are the best Dad there can be. and you have to know that of alllll the places in the world, I like being with you Papa... I miss you and sooo many things to tell...
I Love You!
Gone but never forgotten . . .
Gorgeous man, i still remember him and this sudden departure! God bless his soul. You a great daughter Nouna and i am sure that uncle is proud of u even in his another world now ..... Rabena yekhalilek tante habibty we yekhalily mamty ya Rab :)))
OMG! long time ago but I still remember too this accident like if it was yesterday.....
Lamya: Thank you honey.That's so sweet and cool of you :)
Amir: Exactly what I feel!
For a million reasons, my dad was my hero.
He was a great storyteller; and he always said that stories should be told for a reason.
He gave me advices and seemed to know everything.
He encouraged creativity just by smiling at me.
He understood me.
i second lamya. I am sure uncle is proud of you. keep on the positive way, rabena yefara7o beiky.
rabena yer7amoh we yegma3na biehom 3ala kheir in jannah ISA.
You reassure me habibti. Ameeeen Ya Rab!
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