We’re all different. You are a dreamer. He is very thoughtful. She is the sensitive one. They are straight. and I’m ... well, I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Friday, March 4, 2011

165) Congratulations on Your Engagement, Noly & Ahmed!

You are the best example of two persons coming together who are perfect to each other.. You are made for each other! :)

Keep smiling 7ayati! :))

I Love You!

Walahi El3azim I do.. and I wish you a wonderful life full of love!

May the bliss in your life last as long as the Almighty oversees us all.. God Bless You!

Friday, Mars 4, 2011

For the first time in my life I enjoy noise, dance, songs... o mesh meday2ah min eldawsha... mesh 3awza arawa7 kaman, very strange!


Hebba said...

Noly, mabrouk. this is something lovely to read and great news to hear.
rabena yes3edek ya rab dayman.
the pictures look lovely and you have a bright smile,dear. IsA you will keep this smile forever.:)

rourou, a heartwarming post. thank you for sharing the news. :)

Ze2red said...

Mabroooooooooooooooooooooooooook, 3o2bal el sam3eeen.

Nouna said...

Hebba, I really do appreciate you being happy for Noly :)
and I you are always in my prayers dear. in-sha2-Allah God will listen to my prayers...

it will be your turn soon in-sha2-Allah, ze2red ;)

Anonymous said...

getting engaged is an exciting time,congts for ur friend engagement,3o'baleq ya Rourou
sheddy 7ellek ya bent;)))


Nouna said...

T'as touché quelque chose capable de me rendre nerveuse!!! je n'ai jamais pu accepter la derinère phrase que t'as utilisé car ça me fait toujours mal.. et normalement je n'ai pas attendu l'entendre de ta part..

Anonymous said...

bera7a 3alaya ya Rourou i didnt intend to touch any nerve that annoyed u wallahy, u know i wish you all the happiness my dearest,5alas matshedesh 7ellak ya basha;)

Nouna said...

I know Ashraf :)
bas asl I am not supposed to go chasing after men masalan.. or even accept someone proposing without feeling him for the sake of marriage o khalas!
These things are destined.. he will come and find me in-sha2-Allah at the right time.

Anonymous said...

that is it, these things are destined, i know that God keep u THE BEST MAN U CAN FIND! he will find u nd fight to keep u ya setty;)
u deserve it ya Rourou u know law kan yenfa3 makontesh sebtteq:)))

Noly said...

ya Nounaaa ya Nounaaaa you really don't know how much you made my day when I saw you :)). BGD you drew a wide warm smile upon my face :)). rabena ye5aleky leya ya rab w yekremk ISA bely nefsek feh w ISA soon zay ma ba2ol leky w hatshofy ISA ya 7abebty :)) ;).

@Hebba: ya Hebba bgd thank you ya gamila w rabena ye5aleky ya rab w yekremek keda b kol 7aga 7elwa fel donya ISA :)).

@Ze2red: ya Zer2eddddddddddd 3o2balkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hal tasma3enyyyyy 3o2balkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :D ;)))

bgd thank you all w 3o2bal ely lessa w ely 5alas rabena yes3edhom keda 3ala tol ISA :))