We’re all different. You are a dreamer. He is very thoughtful. She is the sensitive one. They are straight. and I’m ... well, I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Monday, March 21, 2011

174) في عيد الأم

"إنه ... عيد الأم يا بني أمي ... صلوا على الحليب ب ب ب"



Nouna said...

صلي الله علي محمد .. صلي الله عليه وسلم

Amir said...

Allahoma saly 3aleeh w salem tasleeman katheera...Gamda geddan geddan!!

Happy Mother's Day for your Mom ya Rourou, ya rab yekhaliha leky dear:))

Nouna said...

Yes it is.. mesh sahla ;)

Happy Mother's Day to your mama too :))

Unknown said...

Sa3ba awy dee ya Nouna......mesh fahmaha awy fahmhalyyy:D..... koll sana w tante tayeba w enty tayeba ya habebty....w el sana 2lly gaya isA htb2y mama amoora:)))