We’re all different. You are a dreamer. He is very thoughtful. She is the sensitive one. They are straight. and I’m ... well, I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

72) Today Is A New Life ! :D

Today is a new life ...
and I am going to live ...
I am not going to worry ...
I am not going to cry ...
I am going to smile ...
[Even if I’ll force myself to smile]
and if there is anything to mind over matter,
I am going to win ...
I am going to close this chapter of my life ...
and repeating ...
I am going to live :D ...

I learned to forget the yesterdays ...
and not think of the tomorrows ...
Each morning I say to myself:

“Today Is A New Life!” :D



Nouna said...

... Today is a new life ...
... I am going to live ...


Unknown said...

i'm goin to join :D
saba7o habibyyy

Amir said...

Thats a positive attitude that touches some neves. inspiring post.. Keep it up dear Rawani and wherever you go always bring your own sunshine :)))

هوبتي said...

وااااو يا رورو

اهو انا بقي نفسي اتعلم انسي واحد عشان اعرف اقولك واعمل زايك ادعيلي يا رورو اتخطاه

Anonymous said...

nice post and it brings happiness but do you think we may solve all our problems this way? i am sick of this life it is neither fair nor easy

Nouna said...


أنا مش فاهمة قوي

بس قطعا هادعيلك - ربنا يكتبلك في كل خطوة سلامة


Nouna said...


I do not know. It depends on who you are.

Just think positive thoughts, and refuse to let defeat defeat you. Try it. It will work in-sha2-Allah. and you will feel cheerful...

Hebba said...

its hebba, i dont know what will appear here. you know all my accounts are crazy now :)
anyway, a very nice post ya rouni. and its good to think this way. at least to survive the day -till another tomorrow comes :)
dotn know where the comments will go, but lets hope they will arrive at any of my emails :))))))

Hebba said...

it will go to my gmail.
kheir, at least one is functioning :))))

Nouna said...

Ahlan ahlan ya Bossboss :D

Fadaki ya habibty what is lost. Allah willing it will be a fresh start, you deserve the best of all.
Why make ourselves unhappy when it is possible for us to start creating happiness?


Hebba said...

welnaby ya okhty i am trying to create all accounts again.
el moshkela is in my blog :))))
now the hacker can control it as well.
ya3ni i can wake up finding ANYTHING posted in my name
shofty el hana :))))))

Nouna said...

anything ;) ?!

tab from where will he know about your blog aslan?

P.s. قصيدة العاشقين is just Faziii3a! Thank you hun :)

Hebba said...

this is the new one

maho when he has access to my email, he can always check where i am subscribed, and let them send the password.
this is what i am doing now, running to delete all accounts before he gets there and changes the passwords.
i deleted the blog and created thsi new one. actually imported the contrent but back to the old look.
ma3lesh,it will be over ISA.
please delte the old one from your list and add the one i mentioned.
and sure all your friends are welcome there :))))

Yassminaz said...

Wish you wonderful life :)

btw you reminded me with nice hadeith , ha7awel adawar 3aleh we a2olholek bas howa about the start of the new day ...

Nouna said...

Bon début in-sha2-Allah ya Hebba.

Commencement de la joie de vivre ba2a!


Nouna said...


Same to you hun :)

I think you mean

إذا أصبحت فلا تنتظر المساء .. وإذا أمسيت فلا تنتظر الصباح

والمعني إن يومك يومك! اليوم فحسب ستعيش.. فلا أمس الذي ذهب بخيره وشره .. ولا الغد الذي لم يأت إلي الآن

اليوم وفقط!ا